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Writer: Evette AllerdingsEvette Allerdings

I am one of 16 artist picked for an SDA (Surface Design Association) online exhibition called Life-Lines. My pieces is called Good Bye Dad. It was inspired by the last trip I had with my dad before he passed later that year. It is of a slot canyon in Arizona. I focused on the light which I feelhis my dad looking down on me and embracing me with his light.

This is a message from the curator. Click on the link below if you want to see the online exhibition.

Some artists create work as a way to deal with pain. That pain might be bodily or psychological pain, leading to work that addresses adversity, racism, or discrimination and reports on the state of our society, or to work that highlights one’s own identity and who they are in society. Life-Line presents work that represents individual voices and offers space to share ideas for improving the world, allowing the comforting feelings of thread and textiles to confront difficult issues.

Sébastien Carré, Guest Curator



© 2023 by Evette Allerdings. Website created by Blackwader Media.

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